Minimalist Head, Maximalist Heart

The power of beauty to stop you in your tracks

frida glass

Photo by Toula Karayannis

Despite how hard my head wants minimalism I have a maximalist’s heart that is fatally drawn to beauty. I swoon and worship at the altar of Aphrodite, Venus, Helen, Lakshmi and all the other mythical beauty babes.

Frida Kahlo was of flesh, blood and viscera but she’s been given mythical status over the years for her legacy of beauty, sass and gorgeous gumption.

My business Frida & Co. is a homage to her indomitable spirit and all the other women artist makers whose shoulders I stand on (that’s the Co. part).

Frida and a tribe of other women (real & imagined) watch over me from every corner of my house. Here is the woman herself beaming inspiration and meaning into my physical and psychic space. Sure, it’s just an object but when an object is imbued with meaning it’s a form of consecration. We make the mundane holy.

My beloved @adventures_of_lullah surprised me with these stunning glasses at a recent reunion after not seeing each other in the flesh for way too long. Now I will not be able to look at these treasures without thinking of my beloved friend, of friends I dearly miss and of the soul and sanity-saving presence of beloved ones.

So my lovelies hold on tight to all the beautiful people in your life, ditch the ugly and shamelessly worship at the altar of beauty. This I know to be true.

Tell me, what’s one mundane object that is precious and holy to you?

My cup runneth over. Have a beauty-filled day.

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