The Mess As A Work In Progress

When designs for the next masterpiece don’t quite work out as they should.

So this is my piece for WIP (Work in Progress) Wednesday. I had ordered ‘pumpkin’ coloured yarn. Online it looked like a funky orange but when it arrived my heart sank because it was not so much funky orange as pooey brick coloured. Oh woe was me but as soon as I put this blue yarn next to it I thought…ok…ummm…yeah…this might work.

I’m making it into a 1970s inspired vest and lo and behold it’s nearly finished. The light at the end of the pooey tunnel. I’m always a little too excited when I can see the end in sight.

Patience is not my strong suit. So The Universe usually serves up a little face palm moment to teach me to Zen my way through life (and crochet projects)….every…single time.

This time I managed to crochet the first of two arm straps but instead of methodically crocheting the second strap and then joining it to the body of the vest, I thought it was wise to join the first strap only.

Here’s the mutant result.

Yep, I attached the strap to the wrong side of the vest. Maybe ok for one of Shrek’s monster friends but not particularly human friendly. Thanks Universe. I was too embarrassed to display it as my first image here but it needed to be posted publicly to remind me to chill out…breathe…be mindful…concentrate…one stitch at a time…ye who runs, stumbles…be patient…blah, blah.

Please tell me someone out there does the same…someone, anyone?

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